Re-useable Coffee Filters: Why you need a Gold Tone
Discriminating coffee drinkers know the difference and you should too. Re-useable filters optimize brewing infusion time to enhance coffee flavor
Once you replace the flavor and aroma robbing disposable paper filters with a Gold Tone re-useable filter, you will benefit for 3 reasons:
- Each time you brew will have fuller coffee flavor
- You will un-block the gorgeous coffee aroma
- You will never run out of paper filters again
And you will be helping the planet and economy because Gold Tone filters are made from surgical stainless steel and that means they can:
- Eliminate a mountain of paper filter waste a day, equivalent to a 19 story building every day.
- Help the economy because Gold Tone filters are Made in America
- Actually get more and spend less.
Gold Tone filters are: easy to clean, dishwasher safe, really make a difference you can taste and smell, and last for years.
#4 Coffee filter Fits 4-8 cup with flat bottom / Cone filter.
Filter dimensions: 2¼" tall, 4¼" dia